CCP4 Workshop

Thursday August 14

Room A   14:00 to 18:00



14:00       Introduction and Welcome (Alun Ashton)


14:05       CCP4 the organisation, the package (installing etc),

                  General Overview

                  CCP4I (Alun Ashton)


14.45               Data Processing and Scaling with Mosflm and Scala.

(Harry Powell)


15.30               Overview of Molecular Replacement in CCP4

(Katherine McAuley)


16:00       Break


16.15       Advanced and Future strategies for MR

                  Advanced and Future strategies for Experimental Phasing

                  (Airlie McCoy)


17.00       Refinement with CCP4/Refmac (Airlie McCoy)


17.45               CCP4 and its future projects


18.00                Close